Thursday, February 7, 2013

Arizona Employment Law - What You Need To Know?

From the moment the employees are hired and terminated or resigned, they are under the law of United States. For you to be able to learn more about AZ employment law, here is an overview:

Laws that do not allow discrimination begins when the job is promoted in all states. During the job opening, the employers don't have the right to demand for women rather than men or to choose single than married applicants. This is also the same when it comes to the job interview.
The employers shouldn't ask the applicants regarding their marital status or even age except for legal factors where age is involved.

Effective last January 2013, the minimum wage in Arizona for most employees is $7.80 per hour.
The employees who have tips should get $4.80. If the workers under the non-salary category have worked more than forty hours per week, they should be given extra payment.

The company should make sure that their employees are properly protected against any danger in their workplace. The occupational safety laws governs the safety and protection of the workers against harmful chemicals in their work area.
The employees can't be fired or demoted once they encounter problems like this.

It doesn't matter what the cause of the injuries is because the employers still need to shoulder the employees treatment and compensation in a situation like this. This benefit should be shouldered by all companies. The payment of the workers will depend on the injuries and his regular pay. For more information about wrongful termination arizona, follow the link.

It is not mandatory that employers will offer paid holidays or vacations, but some of them do so as the benefit of their employees.
According to federal law, those company with more 50 employees may need to offer leave even if it is not paid, but the sick leave is not needed. For those who are working in a jury, they are not entitled to have paid time off buy they cannot be demoted or terminated.

It is not allowed to harass or unwelcome the employees because of their age, gender, race, disability, color, and nationality and this is written in the federal law. If there is harassment, the employee can file a case against his employer.

Arizona is considered as "at will" state and this means that the employees ca get out from his job anytime or the employer can let go of the worker anytime since there is no contract to follow. Terminated workers still have to receive their last salary three days after the termination or within the next schedule of payday. On the next payday is the schedule of the last payment if the employees calls it a quit first. Follow the link to get more information on a phoenix employment attorney.

The employees won't have the chance to get his unemployment insurance if he is fired for he has not done his job well or because he wants to stop his job.

You can visit Arizona law firm for more information about this issue.
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1 comment:

  1. Great post!!Thanks for sharing it with us....really needed.The Phoenix Employment Law Attorneys of My AZ Legal Team, PLLC have helped clients overcome emotional and/or physical harm suffered in the workplace. As an employee, you have rights that must be respected.employment attorney blog
